Family Law Expertise

Specialist divorce and family lawyers Birmingham

| Family Law

We are divorce and family lawyers with offices in Sutton Coldfield and Solihull.

At the head of our family team is Amanda Holland who is a member of Resolution and the Collaborative West Midlands Family Law Group (CFLG).  Amanda can be contacted on 0121 355 4555 or 0121 702 1580, email [email protected]

We offer advice on:

  • Divorce
  • Judicial separation
  • Civil partnerships and same sex marriages
  • Removal of children from the jurisdiction
  • Financial claims for property orders, spousal maintenance, pension orders
  • Consent orders (including clean break orders)
  • Separation agreements
  • Co-habitation disputes
  • Living together agreements
  • Non molestation and occupation orders
  • Collaborative process

We offer a reduced rate for a first meeting which can be in person or by Zoom.

| Children’s Commissioner – Family Review

Children’s Commissioner – Family Review

Can you help?

The Children’s Commissioner has been asked by the Government to conduct an independent review into family life to look at how families can best be supported.   If you would like to help, please complete the survey at

This  survey has now expired.

| Family Team

Amanda Holland

Amanda Holland

Family and collaborative lawyer


| Frequently Asked Questions

A specialist family lawyer is unlikely to be able to answer this question without meeting with you.  Every family is unique and the cost of sorting out finances, children and divorce will depend upon the complexity of the issues and the assets involved.   We offer a first meeting for a fixed fee.  Following that meeting, we are able to provide costs estimates tailored to your particularly circumstances.

There are a number of online resources where you can find information.  It is possible to obtain a divorce without a lawyer.  However, if you do not take legal advice, you may discover later on that you have acted to your detriment

A divorce generally takes 4-6 months from the issue of the divorce proceedings to obtaining a Decree Absolute, provided that all parties co-operate by returning documents on time.  If financial matters have not been resolved, it is usual to delay obtaining the Decree Absolute until a financial order is made and so it may take longer to finalise the divorce.

How long it takes to reach a financial agreement depends on many factors.  If it is necessary to issue court proceedings to deal with financial matters, it is not unusual for it to take 12-18 months to conclude.

It all depends on your circumstances, your needs and the assets involved.  The first step is to find out what the assets are worth and we do this by completing a financial statement called a Form E

Yes.  Instead of calling it a “pension” call it a “savings account for the future”.    It is vital to find out what a pension is worth by obtaining the cash equivalent value from the pension provider.  This should be the first thing you do because it can take a number of months to obtain.

There is no “normal”.  It depends on the needs of the children and your particular circumstances.